
A powerful service mocking, recording, and playback utility.

Notice: These docs are for mockyeah 1.x & above. For legacy mockyeah 0.x, please see

Getting Started in Node

To integrate mockyeah to mock requests within your Node or server-side app, you can use the @mockyeah/fetch package.

This can monkeypatch or be used in place of the native fetch API to enable some mockyeah features. This requires fetch API support - recommended polyfills for fetch for Node are node-fetch or isomorhpic-fetch.

To install:

$ npm add @mockyeah/fetch

Then, to set it up, simply add this code to run once when your app starts:

import 'isomorhpic-fetch';
import Mockyeah from 'packages/mockyeah-fetch/dist/index';

new Mockyeah();

Or to add mocks programmatically:

import 'isomorhpic-fetch';
import Mockyeah from '@mockyeah/fetch';

const mockyeah = new Mockyeah();

mockyeah.mock('https://example.local?ok=yes', {
  json: { fake: 'response' }
    url: 'https://example.local?ok=true',
    body: {
      up: 'yes'
    json: () => ({ hello: 'there' })

fetch('https://example.local?ok=yes').then(async res => {
  const data = await res.json();
  console.log('data is now { fake: "response" }', data);

For more details, see our page on @mockyeah/fetch.

© 2020 mockyeah, Built with Gatsby