
A powerful service mocking, recording, and playback utility.

Notice: These docs are for mockyeah 1.x & above. For legacy mockyeah 0.x, please see


@mockyeah/cli provides a simple command-line interface for recording and playing suites to integrate with during development.

Getting started

  1. Install @mockyeah/cli
$ npm install -g @mockyeah/cli


$ yarn global add @mockyeah/cli
  1. Configure a service call to proxy through mockyeah

To do so prepend http://localhost:4001/ to the beginning of a service end-point in your project like so:


We agree the above URL looks pretty nutty, but rest assured all other known approaches add unnecessary complexity.

  1. Initiate a mockyeah suite recording

    $ mockyeah record my-first-suite
  2. Invoke the service call you previously configured. You should see @mockyeah/cli output.

  3. Stop @mockyeah/cli by hitting enter on the stop question.

  4. Play back the suite

    $ mockyeah play my-first-suite
  5. Invoke the service call again.

Good work! You've recorded and played back a suite.


$ mockyeah --help

Usage: mockyeah [options] [command]


    list                list suites
    play [suiteNames]   play suite(s)
    playAll             play all suites
    record [suiteName]  record suite
    start               start server
    help [cmd]          display help for [cmd]


    -h, --help     output usage information
    -V, --version  output the version number

For help with specific commands, you can pass --help to them, e.g.:

$ mockyeah record --help

Usage: mockyeah-record [options]

  -g, --groups [names]      record with these named groups from configuration (comma-separated and/or repeatable)
  --group [names]           alias of -g, --groups
  -o, --only [string]       only record calls to URLs containing given string (repeatable)
  -r, --only-regex [regex]  only record calls to URLs matching given regex pattern (repeatable)
  -h, --use-headers         record headers to response options
  -l, --use-latency         record latency to response options
  -H, --header [pair]       record matches will require these headers ("Name: Value") (repeatable)
  -v, --verbose             verbose output
  -h, --help                output usage information


mockyeah play [options] [suiteNames]

Play one or more suites, passing comma-separated list of suite names, or else be prompted to pick one.

E.g., comma-separated:

$ mockyeah play some-custom-suite,some-custom-suite-2

or space-separated:

$ mockyeah play some-custom-suite some-custom-suite-2

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