
A powerful service mocking, recording, and playback utility.

Notice: These docs are for mockyeah 1.x & above. For legacy mockyeah 0.x, please see

Getting Started in Unit Tests

mockyeah makes it easy to mock requests in your unit tests.

To ease setup & use for popular unit test frameworks, mockyeah maintains some packages - see packages for jest and mocha. Or you can configure manually for your test framework of choice.

Here's an example of using mockyeah in unit tests with jest:

const mockyeah = require('@mockyeah/test-jest');
const supertest = require('supertest');

const request = supertest(mockyeah.server.url);

describe('Wondrous service', () => {
  it('should create a mock service that returns an internal error', done => {
    // create failing service mock
    mockyeah.get('/wondrous', { status: 500 });

    // assert service mock is working
    request.get('/wondrous').expect(500, done);

  it('should create a mock service that returns JSON', done => {
    // create service mock that returns json data
    mockyeah.get('/wondrous', { json: { foo: 'bar' } });

    // assert service mock is working
    request.get('/wondrous').expect(200, { foo: 'bar' }, done);

  it('should verify a mock service expectation', () =>
    // create service mock with expectation
      .get('/wondrous', { text: 'it worked' })
        foo: 'bar'
      // invoke request and verify expectation

See Mock API and Expectation API for more details.

Configure Manually

You'll want to construct a mockyeah instance with the following options, and wire it into before/after each/all hooks for your testing framework.

const Mockyeah = require('@mockyeah/fetch');

const mockyeah = new Mockyeah({
  noWebSocket: true
  // other options...

// Tell mockyeah to reset its mocks after each test
//  with lifecycle hooks in your unit test framework:

afterEach(() => mockyeah.reset());

// ...

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