
A powerful service mocking, recording, and playback utility.

Notice: These docs are for mockyeah 1.x & above. For legacy mockyeah 0.x, please see

@mockyeah/fetch Configuration


We use the debug utility, so to see logs in Node you can set environment variable DEBUG=mockyeah:*, or in the browser set localStorage.setItem('debug', 'mockyeah:*').


The Mockyeah constructor accepts a configuration object.


  "name": "default",
  "noProxy": false,
  "prependServerURL": false,
  "noPolyfill": false,
  "noWebSocket": false,
  "host": "localhost",
  "port": 4001,
  "portHttps": undefined,
  "adminHost": "localhost",
  "adminPort": 4777,
  "suiteHeader": "x-mockyeah-suite",
  "suiteCookie": "mockyeahSuite",
  "ignorePrefix": `http${portHttps ? 's' : ''}://${host}:${portHttps || port}/`,
  "aliases": [],
  "responseHeaders": true,
  "latency": undefined,
  "fetch": global.fetch,
  "fileResolver": undefined,
  "fixtureResolver": undefined,
  "mockSuiteResolver": undefined,
  "devTools": false,
  "devToolsTimeout": 2000,
  "devToolsInterval": 100,
  "serviceWorker": false,
  "serviceWorkerRegister": true,
  "serviceWorkerURL": "/__mockyeahServiceWorker.js",
  "serviceWorkerScope": "/"


Used to identify the origin of logged output.


Boolean to disable proxying.

The proxy will transparently forward all non-matching requests onto their original URL. Proxying enables working with real APIs by default but partially mocking responses for some requests.

In a browser, for dynamic suites, it will also pass any mockyeahSuite cookie value as a x-mockyeah-suite header, since setting a cookie is often easier for users than setting a header.

Then you can hit your mockyeah server's URLs like: https://localhost:4001/ https://localhost:4001/

and allow the first to pass through to the actual origin by not defining any mocks, but mock the second with:

mockyeah.get('', {
  json: {
    hello: 'there'


For use with @mockyeah/server, automatically prepend the mockyeah server URL to outgoing fetch requests.

This can be used for apps that don't have complex configuration mechanisms or control over re-wiring all their code or configuration to use URLs with the mockyeah server URL prefix.


Boolean to disable mockyeah polyfill from installing itself to replace the global fetch.

You can still call mockyeah.fetch() manually without polyfilling.


Boolean to disable the attempt to connect to the admin server in a @mockyeah/server (including the one included in @mockyeah/cli) over WebSockets.

Keeping this enabled allows us to initiate recordings for requests going through @mockyeah/fetch in the browser from the @mockyeah/cli or @mockyeah/server (programmatically).


Host on which you're running @mockyeah/server if you wish to integrate with that.


Port on which your @mockyeah/server runs HTTP (or use portHttps) if you wish to integrate with that.


Port on which your @mockyeah/server runs over HTTPS (instead of port) if you wish to integrate with that.


Host on which your @mockyeah/server admin server runs if you wish to integrate with that.


Port on which your @mockyeah/server admin server runs if you wish to integrate with that.


String for the header name to use to opt-in to suites dynamically.


String for the cookie name to use to opt-in to suites dynamically.


A URL prefix that will always be stripped off of the request URLs before trying to match against mocks.


Aliases for match URLs, so that mocks for any of the URL prefixes in an alias set work for any of the others in its set too, to support sharing suites across various environments where service domains and base path endpoints may change. So with this configuration:

  "aliases": [
    // more sets of aliases...

So now a mock like this:

mockyeah.get('', { text: 'hello' });

Would be able to respond identically to calls to:



An optional function that can modify incoming requests before they are matched. This lets you define custom rules for how requests are matched against your mocks, giving you more power than aliases or ignorePrefix.

You can return a single request object to be matched, or an array of multiple requests against each of which a match attempt is made in order.

Say you wanted to strip a proxy prefix URL and remove a cookie:

  modifyRequest: req => ({
    url: req.url.replace('', 'https://'),
    cookies: {
      nope: ''

Or maybe support multiple API environments:

  modifyRequest: req => [
      url: req.url.replace('', '')
      url: req.url.replace('', '')

The req object looks like this:

  url: string;
  method: Method;
  query?: DeepObjectOfStrings;
  headers?: Record<string, string>;
  cookies?: Record<string, string>;
  body?: any;


Boolean to disable mockyeah's custom response headers:

  • x-mockyeah-mocked: true Indicates the request matched a mock and responded with it.
  • x-mockyeah-missed: true Indicates the request missed all mocks.
  • x-mockyeah-proxied: true Indicates a missed request was proxied.


A default latency for all mock responses. Can override per mock.


The fecth API function you want to use to make requests. Can be window.fetch or a polyfill you import and pass in.


An async function that loads files, receiving the fixture name/path as a first argument.


An async function that loads fixtures, receiving the fixture name/path as a first argument.


An async function that loads mock suites, receiving the suite name as a first argument.


Enable connecting to the mockyeah DevTools Web Extension.


Time in milliseconds after which requests blocked by polling for a DevTools connection will give up and proceed.


Time in milliseconds indicating how often to check for a DevTools connection during the devToolsTimeout period.


Whether to enable the service worker that mockyeah can use to echo client-side mocked requests to the Network tab in your browser's Dev Tools.


Whether to auto-register the service worker file at serviceWorkerURL. You can ignore this if you're manually registering the mockyeah route handlers in your own custom service worker.


Path to where you're hosting the mockyeah service worker file. Should be somewhere you publish a script file that imports @mockyeah/fetch/dist/serviceWorker. You can ignore this if you're manually registering the mockyeah route handlers in your own custom service worker.


Scope path for which you want the service worker to apply. Default of / should work unless your app is at a sub-path and you don't want the service worker to interfere with other apps at different paths on the same host.

© 2020 mockyeah, Built with Gatsby